
Raspberry leaf tea during pregnancy


Raspberry leaf tea

It's almost time: the last weeks of your pregnancy have begun and the preparation for the birth is entering the hot phase. Your midwife may now recommend that you drink raspberry leaf tea. But what are the effects of raspberry leaf tea during pregnancy and from what week should you start drinking it? You can find all the important information about this medicinal herb here.


Raspberry leaf tea

When I started my business during my pregnancy, I discovered the power of healthy eating. Every conscious decision to eat nutritious food not only strengthened my well-being, but also laid the foundation for my child's health. Healthy eating during pregnancy helps your baby have a healthy start in life."

- Bell Kink

Founder of Studio Belize®


  1. Raspberry leaf tea: The effects
  2. Before & after birth: The effects of raspberry leaf tea
  3. Other effects of raspberry leaf tea
  4. Raspberry leaf tea for fertility and cycle problems
  5. When to drink raspberry leaf tea during pregnancy?
  6. From which week of pregnancy should you drink raspberry leaf tea?
  7. When to avoid raspberry leaf tea?
  8. Raspberry leaf tea and morning sickness
  9. Correct dosage of raspberry leaf tea
  10. Preparation of raspberry leaf tea
  11. Raspberry leaf tea during pregnancy - FAQ

1. raspberry leaf tea: the effect

Raspberry leaf tea is valued by many midwives as it can support an easier birth. It is often recommended especially in the last weeks of pregnancy.

2. before & after birth: The effects of raspberry leaf tea:

  • Relaxing the pelvic floor muscles: this can make childbirth easier and reduce the risk of an episiotomy.

  • Stimulates bowel activity: Promotes regular and easy bowel movements, which contributes to general well-being.

  • Strengthening of the uterine muscles: Supports labor activity.

  • Relaxation of the cervix: Can promote labor activity and shorten the duration of labor.

  • Promotes relaxation: Drinking the tea can bring inner peace and serenity.

Although the effects of raspberry leaf tea have yet to be scientifically confirmed, many midwives trust in its positive effects, which have been passed down for centuries.


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3. other effects of raspberry leaf tea

Raspberry leaf tea is not only beneficial during pregnancy, but also after the birth. A combination with lady's mantle tea can support a pain-free postpartum period. Raspberry leaf tea can also be helpful during breastfeeding and can be used for cycle problems or menopausal symptoms.

4. raspberry leaf tea for fertility and cycle problems

In addition to its use during pregnancy and after childbirth, raspberry leaf tea is also recommended for menstrual problems and during the menopause. It is also said to have a fertility-enhancing effect when trying to conceive, although this has not been scientifically proven.


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5 When to drink raspberry leaf tea during pregnancy?

Raspberry leaf tea should be avoided in the first few months of pregnancy as it can stimulate contractions.

6 From what week of pregnancy should I drink raspberry leaf tea?

Raspberry leaf tea should not be consumed before the 34th week of pregnancy. Most midwives recommend it from the 37th week of pregnancy, i.e. around four weeks before the planned delivery date. It is advisable to drink the tea at intervals rather than daily.

If you have reached your due date and want to take advantage of the labor-promoting effect, discuss the dosage with your midwife. A thermos flask of raspberry leaf tea can also be helpful to have in your hospital bag. Check with the clinic midwife what you are allowed to drink during the birth.


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7. when to avoid raspberry leaf tea?

In a pregnancy without complications, there is nothing to stop you drinking raspberry leaf tea in the last few weeks. However, it should be avoided if you are prone to premature labor or a prematurely dilated cervix.

Ready-made preparations made from raspberry leaves, such as those available in capsule form, have not been sufficiently researched during pregnancy and should be avoided. Tea is a more tolerable choice.

8. raspberry leaf tea and morning sickness

Although raspberry leaf tea is sometimes recommended for morning sickness, it is best avoided during the first trimester. Due to its potential to induce labor, it is advisable to use other remedies.

9. correct dosage of raspberry leaf tea

As raspberry leaf tea can upset some women's stomachs, start with one cup. If you tolerate it well, you can increase the dosage.

Recommended dosage:

    1. 1st week of pregnancy: 1 cup daily

    1. 2nd week of pregnancy: Take a break

    1. 2nd week of pregnancy: Up to 4 cups daily

    1. Week of pregnancy: pause

Avoid overdosing

Too much raspberry leaf tea can cause side effects such as diarrhea, constipation, nausea, headaches, heartburn and flatulence. Enjoy everything in moderation and consult your midwife or doctor if you are unsure.


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10. preparation of raspberry leaf tea

Raspberry leaf tea is not sweet and fruity, but rather bitter in taste. It is made from the leaves of the raspberry bush, which are rich in polypeptides, flavonoids and tannins.

How to prepare raspberry leaf tea:

  • 1 teaspoon of raspberry leaves per cup (250 ml)

  • Pour boiling water over it

  • Leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes

  • Strain through a sieve

If you don't like the taste, you can mix the raspberry leaves with other herbs, e.g. nettle herb, St. John's wort, lemon balm leaves, yarrow herb and lady's mantle tea.

11. raspberry leaf tea during pregnancy - FAQ

Why do pregnant women drink raspberry leaf tea? Raspberry leaf tea is said to relax the pelvic floor muscles and the cervix, which can make childbirth shorter and easier. It also stimulates intestinal activity and promotes general well-being.

When should you not drink raspberry leaf tea during pregnancy? If you are prone to premature labor or a prematurely dilated cervix, raspberry leaf tea should be avoided.

Does raspberry leaf tea have side effects? Overdosing can cause side effects such as diarrhea, constipation, nausea, headaches, heartburn and flatulence.


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Is raspberry leaf tea recommended when breastfeeding? Yes, raspberry leaf tea can also be drunk while breastfeeding.

In the last stage of pregnancy, raspberry leaf tea can bring calm and serenity. Although its effect has not been scientifically proven, it has been tried and tested for centuries and could also help you in the final stages of pregnancy.

This article

The information in this article comes from reliable, specialized and publicly available sources. The recommendations and advice given are not intended as a substitute for medical care by qualified specialists. You should always consult your doctor if you have any health questions or for diagnosis and treatment.

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