
Dates during pregnancy


Dates during pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is particularly important that you eat a healthy and balanced diet, as everything you eat will also affect your unborn child. Here you can find out why dates can be a valuable addition to your diet during pregnancy.


Dates - their positive effect

When I started my business during my pregnancy, I discovered the power of healthy eating. Every conscious decision to eat nutritious food not only strengthened my well-being, but also laid the foundation for my child's health. Healthy eating during pregnancy helps your baby have a healthy start in life."

- Bell Kink

Founder of Studio Belize®


  1. The date: superfood for expectant mothers
  2. Why are dates so healthy during pregnancy?
  3. Do dates help during childbirth?
  4. Dates during pregnancy: What should you bear in mind?
  5. Nutrition during pregnancy: recipes with dates
  6. Dates during pregnancy - FAQ

1. the date: superfood for expectant mothers

Dates are berry fruits that come in different varieties. They are oval, can grow up to seven centimetres long and have a sweet, firm flesh surrounded by a leathery skin. There is a large seed inside. Ripe dates are light to dark brown in color.


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The date palm is one of the oldest cultivated plants, and its fruits are not only popular in their countries of origin. Most dates come from the Middle East, the Middle East and North Africa and are imported to Europe.

You can find dates in almost all supermarkets, usually in dried form. This fruit should be on your shopping list, especially during pregnancy, as it is rich in many important nutrients such as:

- Potassium
- Calcium
- Magnesium
- Iron
- B vitamins
- Fiber
- Folic acid

Dates are very nutritious and are therefore also known as the "bread of the desert". You can eat them both fresh and dried, although dried dates keep longer.

2 Why are dates so healthy during pregnancy?

Dates can boost your energy metabolism, support blood formation and improve your ability to concentrate. In some countries they are even considered a natural remedy.

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Dates can help with the following pregnancy complaints:

  • Calf cramps: These often occur from the 2nd trimester onwards and are often caused by magnesium and calcium deficiency. Dates contain both nutrients and can have a preventative effect.
  • Sleep disorders: Many women suffer from sleep disorders during pregnancy. Dates contain tryptophan, which the body converts into melatonin, the sleep hormone.
  • Cravings: Dates are a sweet and healthier alternative to chocolate and can satisfy cravings.
  • Iron deficiency: You need more iron during pregnancy. Dates are a good source of iron.
  • Constipation: The hormone progesterone can slow down intestinal activity, which leads to constipation. Dates have a mild laxative effect and can provide relief.

Dates are not a cure-all and you should always consult your doctor if you have serious symptoms.

3. do dates help during childbirth?

Some midwives recommend eating five to six dates a day from the 36th week of pregnancy to make childbirth easier. Dates are said to have a positive effect on the spontaneous onset of labor, the course of labor and the duration of labor. However, there are only a few studies on this, so the actual effect cannot be confirmed with certainty.

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4. dates during pregnancy: what should I bear in mind?

Fresh dates should be kept in the fridge and eaten within a few days. Dried dates have a longer shelf life and do not need to be stored in a cool place. Pay attention to the expiry date and check the fruit for mite infestation before eating.

As dates contain a lot of sugar, you should not eat too many of them - 100 g contain around 350 calories. A varied diet is important for healthy weight gain during pregnancy.

5. nutrition during pregnancy: Recipes with dates

Dates are not only a delicious and nutritious snack, but can also be used in a variety of recipes.

5.1 Dates wrapped in bacon

A classic recipe that can be served as a starter or as part of a main course.

Ingredients (for 4 portions):

  • 20 fresh or dried dates
  • 10 slices of bacon


  • Cut open the dates and remove the pit.
  • Cut the bacon slices in half and wrap one date in each slice.
  • Fry the dates in a non-stick pan for approx. 3 minutes on each side.

Make sure that the bacon is cooked thoroughly, as raw meat can contain toxoplasmosis pathogens.

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5.2 Vegetable pan Arabic

A tasty and healthy dish that brings variety to your plate.

Ingredients (for 4 portions):

  • 1 red, green and yellow bell pepper each
  • 1 eggplant
  • 2 zucchinis
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 large onion
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 8 dried dates
  • 1 bunch coriander
  • 4 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tsp paprika powder
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp ground cumin


  • Wash and cut the vegetables, chop the garlic and coriander.
  • Heat the olive oil and fry the peppers, eggplant and zucchini together with the onions and garlic.
  • Add the tomatoes, dates and coriander and season.
  • Cook everything over a medium heat until the vegetables are al dente.

5.3 Dried fruit Compote

Dried fruit stimulates bowel function and helps with constipation.

Ingredients (for 4 portions):

  • 50 g dried dates
  • 100 g dried apricots
  • 200 ml freshly squeezed orange juice
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp aniseed powder
  • 1 teaspoon ground turmeric (optional)


  • Cut the dates and apricots into cubes.
  • Bring them to the boil with the other ingredients and simmer the compote over a low heat for about 20 minutes.
  • Enjoy warm or cold with low-fat natural yogurt.
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6 Dates during pregnancy - FAQ

6.1 What are dates good for pregnant women?

  • Iron supplier
  • Rich in magnesium and calcium against calf cramps
  • Natural remedy for constipation

6.2 Do dates induce labor?

There is no evidence that dates induce labor. However, excessive consumption can cause diarrhea.

6.3 Are dates good for milk production after pregnancy?

There is no confirmed evidence that dates increase milk production. However, they are nutritious and provide quick energy, which can be helpful when breastfeeding.

Dates are a nutritious and tasty supplement during pregnancy and provide plenty of energy for everyday life.

This article

The information in this article comes from reliable, specialized and publicly available sources. The recommendations and advice given are not intended as a substitute for medical care by qualified professionals. You should always consult your doctor if you have any health questions or for diagnosis and treatment.
