Montessori Kinderzimmer

Baby & Kinder

Montessori Kinderzimmer

Das Montessori Kinderzimmer - ein Ort, an dem dein Kind eigenständig die Welt erkunden kann. Mit dem richtigen Design förderst du seine Kreativität und Selbstständigkeit. Ein zentraler Bestandteil eines Montessori Kinderzimmers ist das Pikler-Dreieck, das nicht nur die motorische Entwicklung unterstützt, sondern auch zum kreativen Spielen anregt. Erfahre, wie du diesen Raum optimal gestaltest.

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How to create a children's room according to Montessori

From the experts at Studio Belize® - Design studio for children's products:

Designing a child's room according to Montessori methods places great emphasis on creating an environment that supports children's natural curiosity and joy of discovery. It is about seeing the child as an autonomous and competent person and giving him the opportunity to explore his environment on his own. An important element that should not be missing in a Montessori nursery is a Pikler triangle.


This is how a Pikler climbing triangle brings Montessori into your nursery:



Pikler Triangle with Slide


  1. Promotes motor development: Climbing on the pikler triangle requires the use of different muscle groups and helps improve children's fine and gross motor skills. It also allows children to improve their coordination and balance, which is important for their overall development.

  2. Incentive for creative play: The Pikler Triangle is an "open play" toy that encourages children to explore their environment in creative ways. It provides many opportunities for children to stimulate their imagination and creativity, and can help develop their imagination and problem-solving skills.

  3. Promoting independence: The Pikler Triangle enables children to strengthen their independence and promote self-reliance. It encourages children to develop and explore their skills and interests on their own and gives them the opportunity to explore their environment at their own pace.

  4. Design addition: a Pikler triangle can also contribute to an attractive and stylish design element in a child's room. It represents responsible child education that focuses on the child's independence and creativity.

  5. Complement to Montessori education: the Pikler triangle fits perfectly with Montessori education, as it supports the principles of independence, freedom within limits, respect for the child's individual developmental pace, and the promotion of the child's individual interests. It allows children to explore their environment on their own and develop their skills and interests in their own way.

  6. Safety: A Pikler Triangle should be made of birch or beech wood and be very sturdy to support the child's weight. It should also be placed in a safe environment, away from sources of danger such as electrical outlets or sharp corners.



Overall, the pikler triangle is a valuable element in the Montessori nursery as it promotes motor development, creativity, independence and safety in children. It fits perfectly with Montessori education and can play an important role in supporting children's development. It is also an attractive and functional design element that fits perfectly into the overall design and represents responsible encouragement of the child.

You also might like the following article: 5x reasons: Why a pikler triangle makes sense
