
Sustainable gifts for toddlers - Conscious giving

From the experts at Studio Belize® -. Design Studio for Children's Products:

Conscious gift giving made easy: Toddlers & new parents love gifts, but does it make sense to look for eco-friendly & sustainable gifts? Whether it's for a birthday, birth, back-to-school or Christmas, sustainable gifts show that you've put some thought into the occasion and that always goes down well. In the following you will find an answer to the question why sustainable gifts make sense, in order to compile a list of great gift recommendations for you.


  1. Conveying values - with children's gifts
  2. Excessive gift giving: A dilemma
  3. Sustainable gift giving - How does it work?
  4. What makes a sustainable gift?
  5. What does conscious gift giving mean?
  6. Conclusion

Why are sustainable gifts useful for children?


(Photo by IG:@Minafagerlund)

1. Imparting values - with children's gifts

Attitudes toward values formed in childhood influence children's behavior toward themselves and their environment throughout their lives. Children form their value framework by reflecting on everyday events and experiences and by observing the behavior of their parents and role models. The toys provided or given by parents play a very special role in this process. It is not only used for playing, but also conveys values between adults and children. If parents pay attention to high-quality, pollutant-free and durable materials when buying toys, for example, parents transmit values such as responsibility, sustainability & aspiration to their children via the toys.



Pikler triangle with slide


2. Excessive gift giving: a dilemma

When choosing gifts, we are often guided by what our children want to have. But often they are triggered by advertising, trends or even social media. Children often have the feeling that they always have to have more and always new things. A valuable piece of advice for parents could therefore be: Less is more. - But high-quality, durable and meaningful. Such gifts bring added value and are very well received by friends and family.

3. Give sustainably - How does that work?

In addition to the actual gift, there are wonderful ways to make gift-giving sustainable and to teach children valuable values.

Joint gift giving

Often all family members want to give a gift to the children. Here, it is a good idea to coordinate and put together for a joint high-quality gift. Together, wonderful gift ideas can be realized.

Passing on instead of throwing away

Used items, for example, with emotional value can also serve as gifts just as well as new ones. A gift doesn't have to be unused to bring joy! The important thing is to sound out whether parents are open to used gifts before giving.

Gifts to extend

Christmas, Easter, birthdays or school enrollment it comes together a lot. Therefore, expandable gifts are recommended. Our recommendations:

Climbing triangle with slide

This wonderful climbing toy is suitable for children aged 0-7 years and is a great example of a sustainable and expandable gift. Made of natural wood, educational and long lasting fun. Babies, toddlers and kids pull up, climb, slide, crawl or use it for imaginative role play.



Pikler triangle with slide


The climbing triangle can be extended with the 2in1 slide for even more fun. Following the pedagogical approach of pediatrician Emmi Pikler, playing with the climbing triangle promotes children's motor skills and creativity.

Shipping box as material for handicrafts

Ordering gifts on the Internet is convenient and easy. Shipping often causes large shipping boxes and packaging material to accumulate at home. Just throwing them away - too bad! They can be wonderfully reused for crafting. You can find wonderful craft instructions for shipping boxes on the internet.

4. What makes a sustainable gift?

  1. Durable and versatile
  2. Suitable for different age groups
  3. Suitable for girls and boys
  4. Made from high quality natural materials
  5. Recyclable
  6. Free from harmful substances

5. what does conscious giving mean

  • Climate Neutral Production
  • Climate neutral shipping
  • Supporting local suppliers with fair working conditions
  • Companies that support social projects

6. conclusion

When buying gifts, make sure they are good for your child and convey the right values. Sustainable gift giving is well received by family and friends. The most important qualities of sustainable gifts are high-quality, durable toxin-free and natural materials. A climbing triangle with slide makes a wonderful sustainable gift that can be purchased with friends or family.

The most precious gift, however, is and remains time. Giving your child undivided attention without the distraction of a computer, smartphone, tablet or television is simply priceless.

Looking for a 1st birthday gift? Read our blog article: The perfect gift for 1st year olds
