Baby Crib Perfect Set Up: Safe & Restful Sleep
From the experts at Studio Belize® - Design studio for children's products:
Hello and welcome! Today we dive into a key topic for all new parents: How do I make the baby's crib cozy and safe? Let's discover together the best and safest place for your baby to sleep and go through important aspects about accessories and bed design.
- Basic equipment: mattress and bed size
- Baby sleeping environment: What belongs in the baby bed?
- The optimal location of the baby bed
- The extras: Nest and canopy
- Conclusion
How do you set up the baby perfectly?
1. Basic equipment: Mattress and bed size.
First of all, it is about the appropriate size and material of the baby bed. Standard dimensions for baby crib mattresses are 70 x 140 cm and 60 x 120 cm, which provide your baby with enough space and comfort. Make sure the mattress is firm and that there is no space between the bed frame and the mattress - if you can put two fingers in this gap, it is already too wide! A gap should be avoided for safety reasons. Babies could get stuck in such a gap with their legs, arms or even their head. This can lead to injuries or, in extreme cases, suffocation.
The baby crib mattress should not be too soft. Materials such as coconut fiber or natural latex are ideal. Your baby will sink in a maximum of 2 cm. These materials regulate heat and moisture naturally.
To make the baby bed cozy, natural soft materials such as organic cotton are ideal. It is cozy and especially kind to the skin. Organic cotton is wonderful for baby crib bedding.
2. baby sleeping environment: what belongs in the baby bed?
Here, less is more. Only a suitable baby mattress and your baby should be in the bed. Anything else that could cover the airways doesn't belong in there. Soft toys, pillows, blankets, skins, etc. do not belong in the baby's bed during the first years of life.
Why do lambskins or sheepskins not belong in the baby's bed? The temperature regulation of babies does not yet function as well as that of adults. Using sheepskins or lambskins as a sleeping surface can cause a build-up of heat, which increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. Avoid at all costs!
3. the optimal location of the baby bed
Ideally, the baby crib should be located in the bedroom, close to your own bed. This way, your baby can see and hear you, which, together with the smell of the mother, has a calming effect. The short distance is convenient when you need to get up at night and fetch your baby for breastfeeding. The baby crib should not be too close to the window. This avoids drafts and associated health risks. In drafty environments, a canopy or even a sky can provide safety and comfort. The baby crib should also be placed so that the baby cannot reach electrical outlets or dangerous objects.
Above the baby crib should remain clear and nothing should be located. Why?
1.) Anything hanging or standing above the baby 's bed can fall and endanger the baby
2.) Shelves or objects hanging above the baby 's bed can make the baby feel crowded. "These objects may press on the baby's sleep"
4. The extras: Nestle and canopy
Nestles and canopies are indeed controversial extras for the baby crib that can improve your baby's sleep, but they can also pose a safety risk. But when are they useful and what do you need to look out for? What are the advantages and disadvantages?
Nest for the baby crib
What is a nest for the baby crib? The nest is a border of the baby crib, which is usually fixed to the frame or the bars of the baby crib. It is usually made of soft fabric.
The nest imitates the mother's womb and gives the baby the feeling of security. The advantage of the nestle is that it protects newborns from many new environmental influences, contributing to a calmer sleep of the baby.
A nestle is usually used between birth and 4-6 months of age.
Why can the use of nests in the baby crib be dangerous?
The material that surrounds the baby's crib can disrupt the circulation of air, unintentionally contributing to the baby's overheating - which can increase the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.
When using nests, pay special attention to the material and air permeability.
Canopy for the baby crib
A canopy for the baby's crib resembles a canopy and is a decorative piece of fabric that is attached to the baby's crib to protect the sleeping or falling asleep baby from outside stimuli.
The canopy for the baby crib can contribute to restful baby sleep, especially during the day, as it shields the baby from external stimuli. Especially in the first months of life, when the baby still spends a lot of time in bed, this can be beneficial. For example, the canopy protects against the sun's rays and thus helps the baby fall asleep.
As with nests, there are safety risks when using baby crib canopies. If the materials and models are not suitable, air can become trapped in the baby's crib, and there is also a risk that the canopy will cover the baby's face or body. This can lead to overheating and CO2 rebreathing of the baby.
5. conclusion
Safety, comfort, quality and design are the most important features when buying a baby crib, accessories or even designing it. A baby's sleep is essential for its development and therefore a sensibly furnished sleeping place is of great importance for both the child and the parents. A perfectly furnished baby bed is the best prerequisite for safe and restful sleep.
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