extra robust & langlebig
Pikler Triangle | RICKI RACKA® Pro

Product description
Pikler triangle for babies & toddlers
The Pikler triangle RICKI RACKA® Pro, made of oiled FSC wood, is the ultimate fun for your child! Suitable from the age of 8 months, this versatile climbing triangle offers endless fun and promotes motor development at the same time. Your child can climb, slide, build a cave or climb the chicken ladder - guaranteed fun at home.
Promote your child's motor development
The Pikler triangle RICKI RACKA® Pro is not just a toy, but also a valuable learning tool. It helps your child to develop fine motor skills, coordination and creativity. Every game is a new challenge and strengthens motor skills.
Practical & safe - the foldable climbing triangle
Our Pikler triangle RICKI RACKA® Pro is perfect for any home. It can be folded up in seconds and stowed away to save space. Two child safety locks ensure that the triangle stands securely and cannot be folded up accidentally. The screwed rungs and double-sided grub screws make it particularly robust and durable.
Extra durable & robust
The Pikler triangle RICKI RACKA® Pro can hold up to 80 kg and is made from high-quality, long-dried wood. The stress-free raw material makes it particularly stable. The double-sided grub screws prevent the rungs from breaking out and ensure a long service life.
Sustainable & free of harmful substances
The Pikler triangle RICKI RACKA® Pro is made from FSC-certified natural wood and is free from harmful substances, varnishes or chemical paints. It meets the requirements of DIN EN 71 and is particularly kind to the skin.
Product details:
- Pikler triangle dimensions: 83 cm (H) x 93 cm (L) x 85 cm (W)
- Slide dimensions: 115 cm (L) x 35 cm (W)
- Material: 100% natural wood, oiled and dried for a long time
- Load capacity: up to 80 kg
- Color: natural wood, oiled
- Design: By Bell Kink
- Includes: 2 child safety locks
- Finish: Velvety soft finish, rounded edges
Order now!
Don't wait any longer! Order the Pikler triangle RICKI RACKA® Pro now and support your child's motor development and creativity - for endless fun & valuable learning experiences.
Dimensions: 83cm (H) x 93cm (L) x 85cm (W)
Slide / chicken ladder: 115cm (L) x 35cm (W)
Functions: Foldable
Safety: Load capacity 90 kg, incl. 2x child safety locks,
Conformity: DIN EN 71 (standardized), CE mark, FSC
Material: 100% natural wood, FSC certified, birch / rubber tree, free from harmful substances or varnishes
Oiled: Yes (linseed oil)
Finishing: Extra fine sanding (velvety soft), rounded edges, premium
Color: Wood
Style: Scandi style with Studio Belize® lettering
Designer: Bell Kink
Shipping costs
Delivery time: 2-4 days (Germany)
Delivery is made directly to your home by GLS, DHL, Hermes or UPS.
Return shipment
In the event of a complaint, the product can be returned free of charge within 30 days.
This product is made from sustainable and FSC-certified wood from sustainable forestry.
Fair conditions and fair payment prevail in production.
Studio Belize® offers a limited lifetime warranty on all products for the life of the product. This means if your product fails due to a manufacturing defect, we will replace defective parts or items at our discretion at no charge.
Pikler triangle with slide - Buy
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Gefertigt für Generationen
Der Kletterspaß
Spielspaß - ob Klettern, Rutschen oder Höhlenbauen – dieses Kletterdreieck bietet endlose Unterhaltung! Es fördert zugleich die Motorik und inspiriert die Kreativität deines Kindes.
Hochwertig & Stabil
Nachhaltig - hergestellt aus langlebigem, spannungsfreiem Naturholz und stabilen, verschraubten Sprossen – für nachhaltigen Spielspaß, der über Generationen Freude bereitet.
Förderung & Wertschätzung
Für deinen Schatz - das Kletterdreieck fördert die motorische Entwicklung deines Kindes auf eine spielerische, altersgerechte Weise. Während sich die Kleinsten daran hochziehen und ihre ersten Stehversuche machen, entdecken die Älteren das Klettern und das Überwinden von Stufen. Dadurch verbessert sich ihre Motorik und Bewegungssicherheit ganz natürlich und im eigenen Tempo – inspiriert von den pädagogischen Ansätzen nach Montessori und Pikler.
Genormt nach DIN EN 71
Sicher - besonders hautfreundlich und schadstofffrei: Aus unbehandeltem, FSC-zertifiziertem Naturholz, ohne chemische Farben oder Lacke. Fair und nachhaltig hergestellt – für die Sicherheit deines Kindes.
Aus Berlin
Gefertigt für Generationen. Unter diesem Motto designen mein Team und ich hochwertige Baby- und Kindermöbel für glückliche Kinder und anspruchsvolle Eltern – so werden schöne Familienmomente zu unvergesslichen Erinnerungen.
– Bell Kink,
Designerin & Gründerin
Jetzt bestellen!
Pikler triangle with slide
A Pikler triangle with slide, developed by Emmi Pikler, is a motor skills-promoting climbing play equipment for children. It consists of a three-sided wall bar, a climbing triangle and a slide that can be used on both sides. It can be used as a slide on one side and as a climbing ladder on the other. The slide board is the perfect addition to the climbing triangle to promote your child's motor development.
Why choose a Pikler triangle with slide?
Promotes development
The Pikler triangle with slide supports motor development. Your child learns at their own pace. From first attempts at standing to safe climbing. Playing on the Pikler triangle with slide promotes movement safety and motor skills.
Practical & space-saving
The Pikler triangle with slide is easy to store. It can be folded up quickly and easily when needed. Ideal for limited space in the nursery. Self-assembly is uncomplicated and can be completed in just a few minutes.
Sustainability & quality
A Pikler triangle with slide is made from sustainable, natural materials. It is important that the Pikler triangle is made of untreated wood. This ensures that the child does not come into contact with harmful substances from varnishes or chemical paints. The Pikler triangle with slide should be of high quality and have a high load-bearing capacity. This makes it robust and particularly durable.
Safety first
Your child's safety has top priority. The Pikler triangle with slide complies with the strict toy guidelines DIN EN 71. A child safety lock prevents accidental folding of the climbing triangle, all corners and edges are rounded and the surfaces are sanded to a velvety finish. For maximum safety while playing.
Guaranteed fun
With a Pikler tri angle and matching slide, fun is guaranteed. Your child can climb, slide and invent imaginative games. Build caves or use the Pikler triangle as a crawling tunnel - there are no limits to creativity.
A Pikler triangle with slide is the perfect addition to any nursery. It promotes motor development and offers countless play options. Impresses with its high quality and safety. Invest in your child's future. Play equipment that they will love.
Kletterdreieck mit Rutsche - FAQ
Warum ist ein Kletterdreieck sinnvoll?
Das Kletterdreieck mit Rutsche, inspiriert von der Montessori-Pädagogik, fördert spielerisch die Grob- und Feinmotorik von Kindern, stärkt ihre Koordination und lässt ihr Selbstbewusstsein wachsen. Gleichzeitig entfacht es ihre Fantasie und lädt sie ein, kreative Abenteuer zu erleben.
Für welches Alter ist ein Kletterdreieck mit Rutsche geeignet?
Ein Kletterdreieck passt meist für Kinder ab 1 Jahr bis ins Grundschulalter.
Was ist beim Kauf eines Kletterdreiecks mit Rutsche wichtig?
Das Material des Kletterdreiecks mit Rutsche sollte hochwertig verarbeitet, robust und extra hautverträglich ohne Schadstoffe sein. Nur so kannst du sicher sein, dass dein Kind sicher damit spielen kann.