Die schönsten



Ein Geburtstag ohne die passenden Geburtstagswünsche? Undenkbar! Ob lustig, herzlich oder kreativ – hier findest du inspirierende Glückwünsche und originelle Sprüche.

Viel Spaß beim Lesen!


  1. The best birthday greetings
  2. Funny birthday wishes
  3. Heartfelt birthday wishes for special people
  4. Short birthday wishes for cards or WhatsApp
  5. Belated birthday wishes
  6. The perfect words for every birthday

Birthday wishes


1. the most beautiful birthday greetings

Personal birthday wishes make the special day even more unforgettable. If you're looking for the right words to wish someone a happy birthday, you'll find over 120 short, loving and funny birthday wishes here. Whether birthday wishes for men, women, children or friends - here you will find the perfect words for every occasion. Birthday wishes for WhatsApp are particularly popular and can be sent quickly.

A simple "Happy Birthday" or "Happy Birthday" brings joy, but individual birthday greetings that come from the heart are even more personal. Funny birthday wishes bring a smile, while heartfelt birthday wishes touch the heart. Birthday wishes for women and birthday wishes for men can be tailored specifically to the person in question.

  • "The paint is off? Don't worry, the primer will hold! Happy birthday!"

  • "Today 16,321,047 people are celebrating a birthday, but only you are in my thoughts. Happy birthday to you!"

  • "Another year gone and you're still irresistible! Happy birthday!"

  • "Don't count the years, count the best moments - today is definitely one of them!"

  • "Enjoy your special day and stay the way you are! Here's to many more adventures!"

  • "May you be as happy today as you deserve to be. Happy birthday to you!"

  • "Not a milestone birthday? Doesn't matter, I'll still celebrate you with all my heart!"

  • "Celebrate with people who are always by your side - like me!"

  • "Not just today, but every day, I wish you happiness, health and joie de vivre."

  • "Old? Never! Maybe just a little more experienced. Happy birthday to you!"


2. funny birthday wishes

If you want to put a smile on the birthday boy or girl's face, you can use humorous birthday wishes. Funny birthday wishes for men and women that congratulate with a wink are particularly popular.

  • "The first 100 years are the hardest - so don't panic!"

  • "Anyone who can blow out that many candles still has plenty of breath!"

  • "You're not old, you're a timeless classic!"

  • "Be careful: from now on, naps are considered a risk sport!"

  • "May you have good luck and, above all, good health in your old age!"

  • "Soon there will be a senior discount - look forward to it!"

  • "A lot of things will be easier now, because it's all downhill from here!"

  • "Can you blow out all the candles or do you need help?"

  • "Gray hair? No problem, it can be dyed!"

  • "Statistically speaking, people with many birthdays live the longest!"


3. heartfelt birthday wishes for special people

  • "May your happiness shine like the sun and your joy be boundless."

  • "I wish you as much love as the sun has rays."

  • "Every birthday candle should fulfill a wish for you."

  • "For a special person - may your year be full of joy!"

  • "Stay on course, steer ahead and enjoy the tailwind of your life!"

  • "Live, love, laugh - and enjoy your special day!"

  • "May you experience 365 days full of happiness, love and health!"

  • "The world is beautiful because you are a part of it. Happy birthday to you!"

  • "I wish you that all your dreams come true!"

  • "May you be surrounded by people who are as wonderful as you are!"


4. short birthday wishes for cards or WhatsApp

  • "All the best for your birthday! Enjoy your day!"

  • "Good luck, health and joy in the new year!"

  • "I wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart!"

  • "Stay healthy and happy - celebrate properly!"

  • "All the luck in the world for your birthday!"

  • "May love, happiness and success accompany you!"

  • "Live high - here's to a great year!"

  • "May your new year be full of wonderful moments!"

  • "Happiness, contentment and lots of great memories for your new year!"

  • "Happy birthday - here's to another year full of adventures!"


5. belated birthday wishes

If you missed your birthday, you can make up for it with a humorous or heartfelt message. Belated birthday wishes via WhatsApp are also always well received.

  • "You don't look a day older - that's why I forgot your birthday! Happy belated birthday!"

  • "Ashes on my head! I missed it, but I still wish you all the best!"

  • "Belatedly, but from the bottom of my heart: Happy birthday!"

  • "I wanted you to remember my congratulations especially - that's why they're coming today!"

  • "My congratulations are with extra love - that's why it took a little longer."

climbing triangle

6 The perfect words for every birthday

Whether humorous, heartfelt or short and concise - there is a birthday wish for everyone. Birthday wishes for WhatsApp or as a personal message are particularly popular. Funny birthday wishes for men, heartfelt birthday wishes for women and original birthday wishes for children make every birthday special. The important thing is that they come from the heart and bring a smile to the birthday boy or girl's face.
