70x Life Wisdom ❤️ Inspiration & Life Coaching
- For thought & reflection: Sayings about emotions
- Eindeuting Unequivocal: Sayings to reflect on
- Sayings about disappointment & sadness
- Sayings about character
- Status message for WhatsAPP: Sayings to reflect & think about
- Particularly touching sayings to reflect on
- Sayings about health & well-being
- Sayings about hope & the future
- Sayings & wisdom about life
1. to think & reflect on: Sayings about emotions
Whether sadness, anger, happiness or affection - thoughts to reflect on touch our emotional world in many different ways and can ignite real fireworks of insight.
- This heart, so easily vulnerable and yet full of love, will never have to apologize.
- Genuine respect begins with the act of listening.
- Emotions don't wait for an invitation, they simply enter our lives.
- I have resolved to make the rest of my existence the best time of my life.
- Happiness is felt, not thought.
2. unambiguous ambiguity: sayings to reflect on
Sometimes ambivalent statements are doubly thought-provoking and open doors to new emotional worlds.
- Thinking about you brings a smile to my face, but at the same time my heart aches.
- I don't look back and ask "Why?", I look forward and say "Why not?"
- In the end, only two questions matter: what do I really want? And what is stopping me from achieving it?
- Being unforgotten is the best retribution.
- That which captivates your eyes reveals the longings of your soul.
3. sayings about disappointment & grief
- Thoughts weigh nothing, but can crush you under their weight.
- The difficult thing about distance is that you never know whether the other person forgets or misses you.
- The best thing I ever did was let someone go who was okay with losing me.
- When tears leave your eyes, it signals that your soul can no longer bear the present situation.
- You don't become happy by holding on to what makes you sad.
4. sayings about character
"The essentials are invisible to the eyes" - a person's character outshines everything and defines their nature.
- Thinking is exhausting, which is why many people prefer to make hasty judgments.
- The most wonderful people are often plagued by self-doubt, while those with questionable character are brimming with self-confidence.
- Everyone makes mistakes. But character is shown by admitting them.
- Beauty may attract attention, but character remains unforgotten.
- It is striking that those who know better rarely do better.
5th status message for WhatsAPP: sayings to reflect & think about
- You never leave someone you really love.
- Losing his heart shows you that you have one.
- You can touch me without touching me.
- You can fight against many things in life, but not against your own feelings.
- Silence is sometimes the loudest cry.
6. particularly touching sayings to reflect on
7. sayings about health & well-being
Health is our greatest asset and should always come first.
- The true source of health is love.
- A healthy person has many wishes, a sick person only one.
- The power that created the body also has the ability to heal it.
- Staying away from people who harm your emotional health is not a sign of weakness, but of wisdom.
- To fly, you must let go of what drags you down.
8. sayings about hope & the future
Hope gives us the strength to see the light at the end of the tunnel, even in dark times.
If you can't make up your mind, flip a coin. However it falls, you'll know what you're really hoping for.
No darkness in the world can extinguish the light of a single small candle. - Confucius
Only those who believe in miracles will experience miracles. - Erich Kästner
Miracles always happen when you have already given up hope.
Without darkness, we would never see the stars.
9. sayings & wisdom about life
Life is full of wisdom that can help us to fill our everyday lives with more happiness and contentment.
- The way people treat others reflects how they see themselves. - Paulo Coelho
- Let the people go who don't recognize your worth.
- The purpose of life is not to be a successful person, but a valuable one.
- Love yourself enough to let go of everything that does not nourish your soul.
- There is a staying in the going, a winning in the losing and a new beginning in the ending.
We hope that this collection of thoughts to ponder has inspired and motivated you to look at the little and big things in life from a new perspective. Perhaps some of these inspiring words will even become part of your daily thoughts and conversations with the people who are important to you.