Safety at the Pikler Triangle - This is how it's done!
From the experts at Studio Belize® - Design studio for children's products:
The Pikler Triangle is a valuable wooden toy for children. It allows them to develop their motor skills, strengthen their independence and stimulate their creativity. However, parents should always make sure that playing & exercising on the pikler triangle is safe.
How can children play safely on the pikler triangle?
Assembly and Maintenance: Before children climb on this climbing toy, parents should make sure that the pikler triangle is properly assembled and in good condition. Screws and bolts should be tightened and the condition of the wood should be checked. It should be avoided that the wood of the climbing equipment is rough and that children can hurt themselves on it. The pikler triangle should always be of high quality workmanship and finely sanded.
Play under supervision: Children should always play under adult supervision when using the pikler triangle. Parents should be reluctant to intervene so that children can develop their own solutions to the challenges posed by the pikler triangle, but especially during the familiarization phase, it makes sense to be on hand in case a handle or leg support is not quite right yet.
Age appropriate toys: It is important to make sure that the Pikler Triangle is appropriate for the age of the child. We recommend that children use a pikler triangle at the 1st birthday offer. This way, children can use it for pulling up, first attempts at standing, then later climbing games, and then in infancy for fantasy games.
Hygiene: It is important to clean the pikler triangle regularly to ensure that it is hygienic. Parents should make sure that children have clean hands before they start playing. The high-quality pikler triangles are made of untreated wood and can be easily wiped clean with a damp cloth.
Placement: The pikler triangle should be placed on a safe and soft surface to prevent a possible fall. It should also be placed in an area free of sharp objects or obstacles to prevent injury. There should never be sharp objects or sharp edges near the Pikler Triangle.
Safety aspects should be considered by children and parents while playing with the Pikler Triangle to avoid injury and to ensure that playing with the pikler triangle is a positive experience for all. The Pikler Triangle should be checked and cleaned regularly to ensure that it is stable and hygienic. Parents and educators can be inspired by creative play ideas that fit the developmental stages of the children. This way, new and educational games can always be discovered by the children.
The pikler triangle is a valuable toy for children that allows them to develop their motor skills, strengthen their independence and stimulate their creativity. Playing with the pikler triangle is only safe if parents ensure that the play takes place in a safe environment. We hope these tips have helped you.